
The Draft Planning Documents are Now Available for Public Review!

The draft Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) are now available for public review. The MPS includes the high level policies regarding land use planning in the municipality and the LUB lays out the proposed zoning and development regulations. These documents will undergo edits following public engagement and are subject to change.

Check out the proposed zoning on your property!

To learn more about how you can share your feedback on the draft planning documents, check out the Participate page.

Fact Sheets - Draft Engagement

Fact sheets are bite sized pieces of information highlighting what is being drafted for your community. Six fact sheets have been released, each focussing on the following topics:

  • General Information

  • Housing

  • Agriculture

  • Recreation and Transportation

  • Economic Development

  • Environment

What We Heard Report - Initial Phase of Engagement

The What We Heard Report is a summary of everything we heard from residents and stakeholders during the first phase of engagement for the Imagine MOPC project. The report lays out what we did during the first phase of engagement and the details of the activities, and then a discussion of the major themes that emerged, including:

  • Community Character and Cohesion

  • Agriculture

  • Housing

  • Economic Development

  • Environment

  • Parks, Trails, and Recreation

  • Transportation

  • Resistance to Planning

Background Report

The background report will be available shortly. This report will provide a background analysis of demographics and existing conditions in the Municipality of Pictou County. Stay tuned!


Existing Planning Documents

The Municipality of Pictou County has two existing planning documents, the Wind Energy Bylaw and the Subdivision Bylaw. The Wind Energy Bylaw regulates wind energy developments in the municipality, and the Subdivision Bylaw regulates the both the division of any area of land into two or more parcels, as well as the consolidation of two or more parcels. Click the links below to view the documents.