2025.02.12 - Public Hearing
TAKE NOTICE that on Monday, March 3, 2025 at 6:00 pm the Municipal Council for the Municipality of the County of Pictou will hold a Public Hearing on its Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) for the entirety of the Municipality.
The Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) is the primary planning document for the Municipality which establishes the vision, goals and policies for growth and development. It is the roadmap that helps to guide decision making relating to what we build, where, and at what intensity. An MPS looks at many different aspects of life in the community including (but not limited to) housing, economic development, agriculture, drinking water, and infrastructure.
The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) is the companion document to the MPS, and puts the vision, goals, and policies into action through specific regulations that have to do with development activities. The LUB sets out things like the land-use zones, permitted uses for these zones, standards for development, performance standards, developments to be considered by development agreement, developments to be considered by site plan approval process, among other things.
Anyone wishing to speak at the Public Hearing should register by contacting sueann.musick@munpict.ca. Presenters will be given 5 minutes to address their concerns about the MPS and LUB to the Council.
Residents can also submit written comments for Council’s consideration. Comments may be submitted in writing to the Municipality at PO Box 910, Pictou, Nova Scotia, or by email to sueann.musick@munpict.ca. The deadline to receive written submissions is Monday February 24, 2025 at 4:00pm.
Residents of the Municipality wishing to view the MPS and LUB in its entirety can do so at the Municipal Administration Building, 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou, N.S. during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) or on our website at www.munpict.ca
In accordance with Section 206 (1)(b) of the Municipal Government Act, notice of the public hearing has been posted on the Municipality’s website www.munpict.ca effective February 12th, 2025, and will remain posted until after the public hearing.
To read a copy of the Municipal Planning Strategy click here.
To read a copy of the Land Use Bylaw click here.
To see a copy of the Land Use Bylaw Schedule A Zoning Map click here.
2025.01.20 What We Heard & Policy Direction Report Now Available!
The report detailing the results of the feedback received during the Draft Engagement Phase is now available. The report summarizes what we heard from residents during the engagement and the potential policy directions that Planning Advisory Committee could take to update the drafts. Click here to read the report!
2025.01.06 - Public Consultation for the Draft Engagement Phase of This Project is Now Closed
Thank you to everyone who shared their valuable feedback on the Draft Planning Documents and Online Zoning Map.
Next Steps:
Draft Engagement What We Heard Report
Final Edits and Plan Adoption
2024.11.08 - Public Consultation for the Draft Phase of Engagement is Now Open!
The draft planning documents are now available - you can view them on the Documents page!
Want to learn more about the draft MPS and LUB? Join us for a Community Workshop near you:
Tuesday, November 19th from 6:30 - 8:00pm at the Linacy Fire Department
Wednesday, November 20th from 6:30 - 8:00pm at the Caribou District Fire Department
Thursday, November 21st from 6:30 - 8:00pm at the Alma Fire Hall
Wednesday, November 27th from 6:30 - 8:00pm at the Scotsburn Fire Hall Rescheduled
Thursday, November 28th from 6:30 - 8:00pm at the Plymouth Fire Hall Rescheduled
Tuesday, December 3rd from 6:30-8:00 at the Union Centre Community Hall
Monday December 9th from 6:30 - 8 :00pm at the Plymouth Fire Department
Thursday, December 12 from 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Scotsburn Fire Hall
Can’t make a meeting but still want to learn more about the project? Join us for the Online Community Workshop on Thursday, November 28th at 6:30pm.
Check Out the Proposed Zoning on Your Property!
Visit the online map to view the proposed zoning on your property. Here are the steps to use the map:
Open the online map - click here!
Search for your property by PID number or civic address.
For more information about the permitted uses in your zone, go to section 7 of the Land Use Bylaw. To learn about the zone standards (things like maximum building heights and setbacks from property lines), go to section 8 of the Land Use Bylaw.
If you have questions, or want to provide feedback on the proposed zoning for you property, submit a feedback form below.
How Can I Provide My Input?
Join us for a Community Workshop (schedule above)
Fill out the online feedback form (below)
Email the project team at hello@imaginemopc.ca
Public Engagement Recap from Round 1:
Community Meetings (6 across the Municipality)
Online Community Meeting ( Click here to watch the recording)
Online Public Survey
Online Interactive Mapping Activity
Email updates and written submissions
Next Steps
Draft Engagement What We Heard Report
Final Edits and Plan Adoption